July 2004
Death Valley NP
Planning & Links

Initial Itinerary Planning for the trip:

Death Valley National Park comprises more than 3.3 million acres of spectacular desert scenery, rare desert wildlife, complex geology, undisturbed wilderness and sites of historical interest. Death Valley is unique because it contains the lowest, hottest, driest location in North America. Nearly 550 square miles of its area lie below sea level. Ecologically, its plants and animals are representative of the Mojave Desert.

Named features on maps of Death Valley include the Funeral Mountains, Coffin Peak, Hell's Gate, Starvation Canyon and Dead Man Pass - this is clearly a place with a bad history, reflecting the troubles and misfortunes endured by the pioneers who first traversed, inhabited and mined the region during the end of the last century.

Death Valley is one of the hottest places on earth, attaining the second-highest temperature ever recorded, 134 degrees F. in 1913. It contains the lowest point in the western hemisphere -- 282 feet below sea level near Badwater -- as well as numerous high-rising mountain peaks, including Telescope Peak at over 11,000 feet. Death Valley was named by gold-seekers, some of whom died crossing the valley during the 1849 California gold rush.

Death Valley has the highest sand dunes in the country

Links to informational Sites:

Great Virtual Tour 0f Death Valley NP
Good information on Death Valley NP
Another good informational site on Death Valley NP
Gorp top activities for Death Valley NP
Outstanding Photos of Death Valley
More great Photos of Death Valley
Beautiful Shots of Death Valley

Links to sites that describe users' experience:

Traveler 1 - Good Photos and description of the various sites
Traveler 2 - Good Photos and descriptions
Traveler 3 - Good Photos and descriptions


©Copyright 2004 by jkjue, all rights reserved
last updated 04/30/2004